Monday, October 27, 2008

Internet Riches

Today’s business world is such an exciting one, in which technological advance has almost revolutionized the way in which we conduct it. Not only has the internet been the number one reason for this revolution, it has allowed for people to create or expand business operations in ways they had never dreamed of. It is very ironic, as well, that in the past month or so, with the economic downturn, e-business has become much more attractive. The fact is, that if an entrepreneur wanted to receive a loan to bring a business idea to life, today’s market would present very high obstacles. The book Internet Riches touches the very foundation of small business creation on the web, which may be the only opportunity for aspiring capitalists in today’s fierce business environment. This book takes the technological novice through the entire process of formulating, launching, and maintaining an e-business. Never before have I read a “how to” book like this one, that presents e-business in an easy to understand way. I personally chose this book to further my knowledge on the art of e-business creation. However, I found this book to be much more. The book is very inspiring due to the fact that it does not just present theory to the reader, but also involves countless examples and interviews with regular people that have accomplished their dreams through e-business, and how.

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