Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Unofficial Guide to Starting a Business Online

I chose this book due to a personal desire and interest in running my own online business someday.  I created my first web page when I was in the 8th grade, so the interest has grown from there.  I hoped to gain some basic knowledge and really an outline of each step in creating an online business.  This book did a great job of giving unbiased information for both the beginner and the tenured business owner.  With that said, the book is basically broken down just like that.  The book starts out with the basics for the beginner and then transitions into the more advanced and tenured sections.  This book is a simple and easy read with nothing difficult or technical at all.  I really liked that in this book there are checklist given in a number of sections to allow you to stay up to date with your progress on creating your new online business.  The only weakness of this book is that it could include a bit more info for the advanced/tenured online business owner.  On a scale of 1-10 I would give this book a 9, just because I don't like to read books because they put me to sleep and this one didn't do that.  

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