Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords

The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords is a must read for any business owner that is looking to drive traffic to their website.  The book is a fairly easy read that uses a lot of examples and takes you on a step by step process through setting up, maintaining, and converting business off of internet.  It has helpful tips throughout as how to develop or improve your current AdWords campaign.  The book is broken down well into short chapters that have enough information with a good combination of examples and images throughout.  Overall it is a well laid out book that is helpful to the business owner that wants to get more traffic to their website.
Personal Review:  
Overall I think the book was written very well for the purpose that it was intended.  I could sit down and pick up this book and start from scratch creating an AdWords campaign, develop it, know how to test it, and also some of the things I may need to do once I drive the traffic to my website.  Even for someone that has been doing this for awhile the book does have some helpful tips as to how to improve your campaign and test it as time goes along.  The only individuals that would see no value out of this book is someone that already does a lot of SEO work.  Overall I would recommend the book!

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